Innovations in Campus Dining: A Conversation with Penn State’s Dining Director – Higher Ed Careers

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F16-ISO100/Shutterstock In this Higher Ed Careers interview, Jim Meinecke, director of residential dining at The Pennsylvania State University, discusses his career path, the award-winning dining program at Penn State, and innovations in campus dining halls. Assisting our editorial team this month is our own Jason Bodnar, who is a senior account manager of recruitment at … Read more

How to Win a Criminal Case under Georgian Adversarial Judiciary System?

How to Win a Criminal Case

Saba Khelashvili is a well-known Georgian advocate, lawyer in criminal law. He will share, how to win a criminal case under Georgian adversarial system. Georgia is the first country who uses this system instead of inqusitorial one and never been under the British empire.

How To Win a Criminal Case Under the Georgian Adversarial Judiciary System?

Top 3 proven Steps to Win a Criminal Case

The adversarial judiciary system in Georgia places a significant emphasis on the skills of the attorneys representing each side. Winning a criminal case in this system requires meticulous preparation, strategic thinking, and mastery of courtroom tactics. Here is a breakdown of key elements to success:

  • 1. Effective Cross-Examination

Cross examination is a powerful tool in an adversarial system. Its purpose is to challenge the credibility of the opposing side’s witnesses and uncover inconsistencies or contradictions in their testimony.
preparation: familiarize yourself with the details of the case and anticipate the witness’s statements.
Precision: ask pointed, clear, and leading questions to direct the witness towards revealing information favorable to your case.
Control: maintain control over the line of questioning, avoiding opportunities for witnesses to elaborate unnecessarily.
An effective cross-examination can significantly undermine the prosecution’s case or reinforce your client’s defense.

  • 2. Effective Investigation

Winning a criminal case begins long before stepping into the courtroon. Conducting a thorough investigation is essential to uncover evidence that can either exonerate the defendant or cast doubt on the prosecution’s claims.

1. Gather Evidence: collect physical evidence, documentation, and other tangible items that support the defense.
2. Interview Witnesses: speak to all witnesses, including those overlooked by the prosecution, and prepare them for testimony if needed.
3. Expert Consultation: engage experts to analyze technical aspects of the case, such as forensic evidence, financial records, or digital data.
A well-executed investigation lays a strong foundation for building a robust defense.

  • 3. Strategic Analysis of the Case, Evidence, Law, and Precedents.

Legal Strategy is at the heart of any successful defense. A comprehensive analysis of all aspects of the case enables the defense attorney to identify weaknesses in the prosecution’s argument and leverage opportunities in favor of the defendant.


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