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Macron Names Centrist Bayrou As French PM In Bid To End Political Instability


फ़्राँस्वा बायरू लंबे समय से राष्ट्रपति मैक्रॉन के मध्यमार्गी सहयोगी रहे हैं

राष्ट्रपति इमैनुएल मैक्रॉन ने महीनों की राजनीतिक उथल-पुथल को समाप्त करने के लिए मध्यमार्गी नेता फ्रांस्वा बायरू को फ्रांस का अगला प्रधान मंत्री नामित किया है।

73 वर्षीय बायरू दक्षिण पश्चिम से मेयर हैं और मॉडेम पार्टी का नेतृत्व करते हैं। घोषणा से पहले, उन्होंने राष्ट्रपति के साथ लगभग दो घंटे बिताए, जिसे फ्रांसीसी मीडिया ने तनावपूर्ण बताया।

मैक्रॉन द्वारा गर्मियों के दौरान आकस्मिक संसदीय चुनावों की घोषणा के बाद से फ्रांसीसी राजनीति में गतिरोध बना हुआ है और गुरुवार को बीएफएमटीवी के लिए एक जनमत सर्वेक्षण से पता चला है कि 61% फ्रांसीसी मतदाता राजनीतिक स्थिति से चिंतित थे।

हालाँकि बायरू की नियुक्ति की प्रशंसा करने के लिए सहयोगियों का एक समूह खड़ा था, लेकिन समाजवादी क्षेत्रीय नेता कैरोल डेगा ने कहा कि पूरी प्रक्रिया एक “खराब फिल्म” बन गई थी। सुदूर वामपंथी फ़्रांस के अनबोड नेता मैनुअल बॉम्पार्ड ने “दयनीय तमाशा” की शिकायत की।

पिछले सप्ताह बार्नियर के पतन के बावजूद, राष्ट्रपति मैक्रॉन ने 2027 में अपना दूसरा कार्यकाल समाप्त होने तक पद पर बने रहने की कसम खाई है।

उन्होंने गुरुवार को पोलैंड की यात्रा संक्षिप्त कर दी और उम्मीद थी कि गुरुवार रात को वह अपने नए प्रधानमंत्री का नाम घोषित करेंगे, लेकिन उन्होंने अपनी घोषणा शुक्रवार तक के लिए टाल दी।

इसके बाद उन्होंने एलिसी पैलेस में बायरू से मुलाकात की और कुछ घंटों बाद अंतिम निर्णय लिया गया। लेकिन बातचीत की भयावह प्रकृति का संकेत देते हुए, विश्व अखबार ने सुझाव दिया कि मैक्रॉन ने एक अन्य सहयोगी, रोलैंड लेस्क्योर को प्राथमिकता दी थी, लेकिन जब बायरू ने अपनी पार्टी का समर्थन वापस लेने की धमकी दी तो उन्होंने अपना मन बदल लिया।

बायरू को कुछ ही घंटों में होटल मैटिग्नन में प्रधान मंत्री के आवास में जाने के लिए तैयार किया गया था, और उनके नाम की पुष्टि होने से पहले ही सत्ता हस्तांतरण के लिए एक लाल कालीन बिछा दिया गया था।

उनकी चुनौती एक ऐसी सरकार बनाने की होगी जिसे नेशनल असेंबली में उनके पूर्ववर्ती की तरह नहीं गिराया जाएगा।

मैक्रॉन पहले ही सभी मुख्य राजनीतिक दलों के नेताओं के साथ गोलमेज वार्ता कर चुके हैं, जीन-ल्यूक मेलेनचोन की सुदूर वामपंथी फ्रांस अनबोएड (एलएफआई) और मरीन ले पेन की सुदूर दक्षिणपंथी नेशनल रैली को छोड़कर।

सवाल यह होगा कि क्या केंद्र की वामपंथी पार्टियों को बायरू की सरकार में शामिल होने के लिए राजी किया जा सकता है, या कम से कम एक समझौते पर सहमत हो सकते हैं ताकि वे उसे बेदखल न करें।

बायरू का नाम रखे जाने से पहले ही प्रधानमंत्री आवास पर रेड कार्पेट बिछा दिया गया था

जब अल्पमत सरकार के लिए जीवित रहने का एकमात्र संभावित साधन बायीं और दायीं ओर पुल बनाना है, बीबीसी पेरिस संवाददाता ह्यूग स्कोफील्ड की रिपोर्ट के अनुसार, बायरू को दोनों पक्षों के साथ संतोषजनक संबंध रखने का फायदा है।

मिशेल बार्नियर को सितंबर में ही नियुक्त किया गया था और एलएफआई सांसदों ने पहले ही संकेत दिया है कि वे उनके उत्तराधिकारी की सरकार में एक और अविश्वास प्रस्ताव पेश करेंगे।

जब ले पेन की राष्ट्रीय रैली में वामपंथी सांसदों ने कर वृद्धि और खर्च में कटौती के लिए €60 बिलियन (£50 बिलियन) की उनकी योजना को अस्वीकार कर दिया, तो उन्हें वोट से बाहर कर दिया गया। वह फ्रांस के बजट घाटे में कटौती करना चाह रहे थे, जो इस साल आर्थिक उत्पादन (जीडीपी) के 6.1% तक पहुंचने वाला है।

उनकी निवर्तमान सरकार ने 2024 के बजट के प्रावधानों को अगले वर्ष तक जारी रखने में सक्षम बनाने के लिए एक विधेयक पेश किया है। लेकिन अगली सरकार के कार्यभार संभालने के बाद 2025 के लिए प्रतिस्थापन बजट को मंजूरी देनी होगी।

बार्नियर ने अपने उत्तराधिकारी को “फ्रांस और यूरोप के लिए इस गंभीर अवधि” के लिए शुभकामनाएं दीं।

फ्रांस के पांचवें गणराज्य की राजनीतिक प्रणाली के तहत, राष्ट्रपति को पांच साल के लिए चुना जाता है और फिर एक प्रधान मंत्री की नियुक्ति की जाती है, जिसकी पसंद का कैबिनेट तब राष्ट्रपति द्वारा नियुक्त किया जाता है।

असामान्य रूप से, जून में यूरोपीय संघ के चुनावों में खराब नतीजों के बाद राष्ट्रपति मैक्रॉन ने गर्मियों में संसद के लिए आकस्मिक चुनाव बुलाए। परिणाम ने फ्रांस को राजनीतिक गतिरोध में छोड़ दिया, जिसमें तीन बड़े राजनीतिक गुट वामपंथी, केंद्र और सुदूर दक्षिणपंथी थे।

आख़िरकार उन्होंने अपने अस्तित्व के लिए मरीन ले पेन की राष्ट्रीय रैली पर निर्भर अल्पमत सरकार बनाने के लिए बार्नियर को चुना। मैक्रॉन अब अपनी पार्टी पर निर्भर हुए बिना स्थिरता बहाल करने की उम्मीद कर रहे हैं।

मरीन ले पेन ने वाम-प्रायोजित अविश्वास मत का समर्थन करते हुए पिछली सरकार से अपना समर्थन वापस ले लिया

तीन केंद्र-वाम दलों – सोशलिस्ट, ग्रीन्स और कम्युनिस्ट – ने अधिक कट्टरपंथी वामपंथी एलएफआई से नाता तोड़ लिया है और नई सरकार बनाने पर बातचीत में भाग लिया है।

हालाँकि, उन्होंने स्पष्ट कर दिया है कि यदि वे व्यापक आधार वाली सरकार में शामिल होने जा रहे हैं तो वे अपनी पसंद का वामपंथी प्रधान मंत्री देखना चाहते हैं।

ग्रीन्स नेता मरीन टोंडेलियर ने गुरुवार को फ्रेंच टीवी को बताया, “मैंने आपको बताया था कि मैं वामपंथियों और ग्रीन्स से किसी को चाहता था और मुझे लगता है कि श्री बायरू एक या दूसरे नहीं हैं,” उन्होंने कहा कि उन्होंने यह नहीं देखा कि मध्यमार्गी खेमा कैसे संसदीय हार गया चुनाव प्रधान मंत्री का पद धारण कर सकते हैं और समान नीतियों को बनाए रख सकते हैं।

नेशनल रैली के सांसद सेबेस्टियन चेनू ने कहा कि उनकी पार्टी के लिए यह ज्यादा महत्वपूर्ण नहीं है कि मैक्रॉन ने किसे चुना, बल्कि उन्होंने कौन सी “राजनीतिक लाइन” चुनी। यदि बायरू आप्रवासन और जीवनयापन की लागत के संकट से निपटना चाहता है तो उसे “हममें एक सहयोगी ढूंढना होगा”।

ऐसा प्रतीत होता है कि राष्ट्रपति मैक्रॉन के साथ बातचीत को आगे बढ़ाने के तीन दलों के फैसले पर सेंटर लेफ्ट और जीन-ल्यूक मेलेनचोन के कट्टरपंथी एलएफआई के बीच संबंध टूट गए हैं।

एलएफआई नेता द्वारा अपने पूर्व सहयोगियों से गठबंधन समझौते से दूर रहने का आह्वान करने के बाद, सोशलिस्टों के ओलिवर फॉरे ने फ्रांसीसी टीवी को बताया कि “मेलेनचॉन जितना अधिक चिल्लाता है, उसे उतना ही कम सुना जाता है”।

इस बीच, मरीन ले पेन ने आने वाली सरकार द्वारा जीवन यापन की लागत पर अपनी पार्टी की नीतियों को ध्यान में रखते हुए एक बजट बनाने का आह्वान किया है जो “प्रत्येक पार्टी की लाल रेखाओं को पार नहीं करता है”।

Macron names centrist Bayrou as French PM in bid to end political instability


grey placeholderGetty Images François Bayrou, wearing a suit and tie, stands next to France's president Emmanuel Macron, alongside a French flagGetty Images

François Bayrou has long been a centrist ally of President Macron

President Emmanuel Macron has named centrist leader François Bayrou as France’s next prime minister, in a bid to end months of political turmoil.

Bayrou, 73, is a mayor from the southwest and leads the MoDem party. Ahead of the announcement, he spent almost two hours with the president, in talks described as tense by French media.

He is seen by Macron’s entourage as a potential consensus candidate and his task will be to avoid the fate of his predecessor. Ex-Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier lasted just three months and was ousted by MPs nine days ago.

Macron is half-way through his second term as president and Bayrou will be his fourth prime minister this year.

French politics has been deadlocked ever since Macron called snap parliamentary elections during the summer and an opinion poll for BFMTV on Thursday suggested 61% of French voters were worried by the political situation.

Although a succession of allies lined up to praise Bayrou’s appointment, Socialist regional leader Carole Dega said the whole process had become a “bad movie”. Far-left France Unbowed leader Manuel Bompard complained of a “pathetic spectacle”.

President Macron has vowed to remain in office until his second term ends in 2027, despite Barnier’s downfall last week.

He cut short a trip to Poland on Thursday and had been expected to name his new prime minister on Thursday night, but postponed his announcement until Friday.

He then met Bayrou at the Elysée Palace and a final decision was made hours later. But in an indication of the fraught nature of the talks, Le Monde newspaper suggested that Macron had preferred another ally, Roland Lescure, but changed his mind when Bayrou threatened to withdraw his party’s support.

Bayrou was set to move into the prime minister’s residence at Hôtel Matignon within hours, and a red carpet was rolled out for the transfer of power even before his name was confirmed.

His challenge will be in forming a government that will not be brought down the way his predecessor’s was in the National Assembly.

Macron has already held round-table talks with leaders from all the main political parties, bar the far-left France Unbowed (LFI) of Jean-Luc Mélenchon and far-right National Rally of Marine Le Pen.

The question will be whether parties from the centre left can be persuaded to join Bayrou’s government, or at least agree a pact so they do not oust him.

grey placeholderAnne RENAUT/AFP A red carpet appears outside the prime minister's residence at Hotel Matignon in the centre of Paris.Anne RENAUT/AFP

The red carpet was laid out at the prime minister’s residence even before Bayrou was named

When the only possible means of survival for a minority government is to build bridges on left and right, Bayrou has the advantage of having passable relations with both sides, reports BBC Paris correspondent Hugh Schofield.

Michel Barnier was only appointed in September and LFI MPs have already indicated they will propose another vote of no confidence in his successor’s government.

He was voted out when Le Pen’s National Rally joined left-wing MPs in rejecting his plans for €60bn (£50bn) in tax rises and spending cuts. He was seeking to cut France’s budget deficit, which is set to hit 6.1% of economic output (GDP) this year.

His outgoing government has put forward a bill to enable the provisions of the 2024 budget to continue into next year. But a replacement budget for 2025 will have to be approved once the next government takes office.

Barnier wished his successor his best wishes in what he called “this serious period for France and Europe”.

Under the political system of France’s Fifth Republic, the president is elected for five years and then appoints a prime minister whose choice of cabinet is then appointed by the president.

Unusually, President Macron called snap elections for parliament over the summer after poor results in the EU elections in June. The outcome left France in political stalemate, with three large political blocs made up of the left, centre and far right.

Eventually he chose Barnier to form a minority government reliant on Marine Le Pen’s National Rally for its survival. Macron is now hoping to restore stability without depending on her party.

grey placeholderGetty Images Marine Le Pen, France's far-right National Rally leader, addresses the National Assembly wearing a dark-coloured jacket and holding her hands togetherGetty Images

Marine Le Pen withdrew her support for the previous government, backing a left-sponsored vote of no confidence

Three centre-left parties – the Socialists, Greens and Communists – have broken ranks with the more radical left LFI and have taken part in talks on forming a new government.

However, they have made clear they want to see a leftist prime minister of their choice if they are going to join a broad-based government.

“I told you I wanted someone from the left and the Greens and I think Mr Bayrou isn’t one or the other,” Greens leader Marine Tondelier told French TV on Thursday, adding that she did not see how the centrist camp that lost parliamentary elections could hold the post of prime minister and maintain the same policies.

Sébastien Chenu, a National Rally MP, said for his party it was less about who Macron picked than the “political line” he chose. If Bayrou wanted to tackle immigration and the cost of living crisis then he would “find an ally in us”.

Relations between the centre left and the radical LFI of Jean-Luc Mélenchon appear to have broken down over the three parties’ decision to pursue talks with President Macron.

After the LFI leader called on his former allies to steer clear of a coalition deal, Olivier Faure of the Socialists told French TV that “the more Mélenchon shouts the less he’s heard”.

Meanwhile, Marine Le Pen has called for her party’s policies on the cost of living to be taken into account by the incoming government, by building a budget that “doesn’t cross each party’s red lines”.

Companies requiring a strict return-to-office risk losing their most skilled employees, new research finds


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ServiceTitan’s IPO is a big winner that could inspire fintechs


ServiceTitan, which offers financial and customer management software for the trades, went public in a big way on Thursday, much to the delight of retail investors. The stock quickly popped from its opening IPO sales price of $71 to $105 a share in modest trading volume. It is currently maintaining an above-$100 price.

ServiceTitan’s success does not necessarily portend the reopening of a painfully tight IPO window for tech companies waiting in the wing to go public. That’s because its motive to go public wasn’t strictly market related.

ServiceTitan disclosed that it needed to pay off some of its venture investors pronto after it entered into painful terms with them when it previously raised money. In those previous fund raises, ServiceTitan agreed to pay some investors increasing penalties, in the form of more stock, every quarter it delayed an IPO after May 22, 2024, it said. They paid $84.57 a share, it disclosed, and according to analysis by Meritech Capital, ServiceTitan would have to IPO at around $90/share to avoid those penalties. In addition, the company also dedicated about $311 million of the IPO money to buy back all the shares of its nonconvertible preferred stock, at $1,000 a share, the price these investors paid, plus pay them some hefty dividends.

While the $71 IPO sales price likely wasn’t enough to avoid penalties, it was actually healthy enough to serve much of ServiceTitan’s needs. It allowed the company to raise about $625 million — and possibly up to $718.5 million if its bankers exercise their full option to buy all the shares allotted to them. After the company pays off its investors, it still has a handsome coffer to use for operations, acquisitions, or other needs. ServiceTitan is still not yet profitable, so it does need the cash.

But retail investors driving up share price on day one is an exciting omen all the same. Some are reacting with excitement that thirst for this stock could portend more IPOs to come soon. Others say it bodes particularly well for any fintech companies who have been waiting in the wings for their chance.

“We expect ServiceTitan’s debut to be an encouraging indicator that could inspire other fintech players in the extensive fintech IPO pipeline to follow suit,” said PitchBook senior emerging technology analyst Rudy Yang.

Viral Ring Girl Sydney Thomas Announces Her Return to the Squared Circle


Viral Ring Girl Sydney Thomas announces return to squared circle

Sydney Thomas.
(Courtesy of Sydney Thomas/Instagram)

Sydney Thomas, also known as “Viral Ring Girl” after being thrust into the spotlight after appearing at the Jake Paul–Mike Tyson fight last month, is returning to the squared circle.

Thomas, 21, announced news of her return via two Instagram Story posts shared on Thursday, December 12.

“Back in uniform,” she wrote alongside a selfie, where she could be seen rocking her “ring girl” outfit. A second full-length post showed her attire in full, and she simply captioned it “weigh ins.”

Ever since she was instantly catapulted into fame thanks to her foray as a ring girl in the much-watched fight in November, Thomas’s career has continued to rise.

Viral Ring Girl Sydney Thomas Officially Signs With Major Hollywood Agency

Related: Viral Ring Girl Sydney Thomas Officially Signs With Huge Hollywood Agency

Sydney Thomas is turning her sudden fame into some big-time Hollywood capital.  Thomas, 21, who went viral as a ring girl during the Jake Paul–Mike Tyson fight, has officially signed with the sports division of Creative Artists Agency (CAA). CAA Sports represents some of the biggest names in athletics, including MLB star Shohei Ohtani, NBA […]

Earlier this month, she announced she had officially signed with the sports division of Creative Artists Agency (CAA), which notably looks after big names such as MLB star Shohei Ohtani, NBA star Devin Booker, NHL star Sidney Crosby and WNBA star Cameron Brink.

Thomas took to social media to reveal the news on December 1 via a TikTok video highlighting “the craziest week of my life.” In the clip — which included a snapshot from her meeting with CAA — she revealed in the caption that she had officially “signed.”

VIral Ring Girl Sydney Thomas Announces Return to Squared Circle

Sydney Thomas.
(Courtesy of Sydney Thomas/Instagram)

There have also been big changes in Thomas’s personal life recently. The college student recently called it quits with her boyfriend, but clarified the split happened before she found internet fame.

“[I] had no problems with him at all — he was great,” Thomas told YouTube creator Nick Nayersina in a December 2 interview.

“I just broke up with him because I was like, ‘I just needed and want more time with myself,’” Thomas added.

In the interview, she explained she also wanted to be able to “discover who I am” and needed space to simply “be alone.”

Viral Ring Girl From Tyson Paul Fight Says Instagram DMs Have Been Flooded Sydney Thomas

Related: Ring Girl From Tyson/Paul Fight Says Instagram DMs Have Been ‘Flooded’

Courtesy of Sydney Thomas/Instagram Move over, Jake Paul and Mike Tyson — ring girl Sydney Thomas was the breakout star from their highly-anticipated Netflix fight.  Thomas, 20, was front and center at the Friday, November 15 boxing match, which certainly got the attention of the hordes of viewers watching at home. In an exclusive interview […]

Since the big Paul-Tyson fight, Thomas has been taking the increased attention in her stride.

Speaking to Us Weekly following the fight, Thomas said she was “very blessed and very grateful” for all of her new fans.

“I think what’s next for me is to continue building up my social media and continue working with [Paul’s] Most Valuable Promotions and being a ring girl,” Thomas said. “I think dialing into the ring girl and modeling aspect of my life and sharing that with my audience that I’ve now built up.”

As well as new fans, Thomas has also attracted critics but she had a message for those who underestimated her.

“Contrary to popular opinion or popular belief, I actually am smart,” Thomas said via a TikTok video posted in late November. “People get the image that a pretty blonde doesn’t have a brain. But I got a 33 on my ACT in high school and I’m finishing college a year early. So, take it as you want.”

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