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Trump Says Syria ‘not Our Fight’. Staying Out May Not Be So Easy


जबकि ट्रम्प ने पेरिस में नव बहाल नोट्रे डेम कैथेड्रल का दौरा किया, सीरिया में इस्लामी लड़ाकों ने असद के शासन को उखाड़ फेंका

जब डोनाल्ड ट्रम्प पिछले सप्ताहांत पेरिस में विश्व नेताओं के साथ पुनर्स्थापित नोट्रे डेम कैथेड्रल में आश्चर्य करने के लिए बैठे थे, तो सीरिया में सशस्त्र इस्लामी लड़ाके असद शासन के पतन को अंतिम रूप देने के लिए दमिश्क की सड़क पर जीपों में थे।

वैश्विक समाचारों के इस विभाजित स्क्रीन क्षण में, फ्रांस के प्रथम जोड़े के बीच बैठे अमेरिकी राष्ट्रपति-निर्वाचित की नज़र अभी भी मध्य पूर्व में घटनाओं के आश्चर्यजनक मोड़ पर थी।

यह पोस्ट, और अगले दिन एक और पोस्ट, नवनिर्वाचित राष्ट्रपति के विदेश नीति में हस्तक्षेप न करने के शक्तिशाली आदेश की याद दिलाती थी।

इससे यह भी बड़ा सवाल खड़ा हो गया है कि आगे क्या होगा: जिस तरह से युद्ध ने क्षेत्रीय और वैश्विक शक्तियों को प्रभावित किया है, उसे देखते हुए, क्या ट्रम्प का वास्तव में सीरिया के साथ “कोई लेना-देना नहीं” है, क्योंकि अब राष्ट्रपति बशर अल-असद की सरकार गिर गई है?

क्या ट्रम्प अमेरिकी सैनिकों को बाहर निकालेंगे?

क्या उनकी नीति राष्ट्रपति बिडेन से बहुत भिन्न है, और यदि हां, तो ट्रम्प के सत्ता संभालने से पहले पांच सप्ताह में व्हाइट हाउस द्वारा कुछ भी करने का क्या मतलब है?

वर्तमान प्रशासन असद के पतन और सीरियाई इस्लामी सशस्त्र समूह हयात तहरीर अल-शाम (एचटीएस) की शक्ति में वृद्धि के जवाब में कूटनीति के उन्मत्त दौर में शामिल है, जिसे अमेरिका एक आतंकवादी संगठन के रूप में नामित करता है।

मैं इसे विदेश मंत्री एंटनी ब्लिंकन के विमान पर लिख रहा हूं, क्योंकि वह जॉर्डन और तुर्की के बीच यात्रा कर रहे हैं और इस क्षेत्र के प्रमुख अरब और मुस्लिम देशों को उन शर्तों का समर्थन करने के लिए राजी कर रहे हैं जो वाशिंगटन भावी सीरियाई सरकार को मान्यता देने के लिए रख रहा है।

अमेरिका का कहना है कि इसे पारदर्शी और समावेशी होना चाहिए, “आतंकवाद का आधार” नहीं होना चाहिए, सीरिया के पड़ोसियों को धमकी नहीं देनी चाहिए और किसी भी रासायनिक और जैविक हथियारों के भंडार को नष्ट करना चाहिए।

राष्ट्रीय सुरक्षा सलाहकार के लिए ट्रम्प के नामित माइक वाल्ट्ज के लिए, जिनकी अभी तक पुष्टि नहीं हुई है, उनकी विदेश नीति के लिए एक मार्गदर्शक सिद्धांत है।

उन्होंने इस सप्ताह फॉक्स न्यूज को बताया, “राष्ट्रपति ट्रम्प को संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका को किसी भी मध्य पूर्वी युद्ध में नहीं धकेलने के लिए भारी जनादेश के साथ चुना गया था।”

उन्होंने वहां इस्लामिक स्टेट (आईएस) समूह, इज़राइल और “हमारे खाड़ी अरब सहयोगियों” के रूप में अमेरिका के “मुख्य हितों” को सूचीबद्ध किया।

वाल्ट्ज की टिप्पणियाँ उनकी बड़ी क्षेत्रीय नीति पहेली में एक छोटे पहेली टुकड़े के रूप में सीरिया के बारे में ट्रम्प के दृष्टिकोण का एक संक्षिप्त सारांश थी।

उनका लक्ष्य यह सुनिश्चित करना है कि आईएस के अवशेष नियंत्रित रहें और यह देखना कि दमिश्क में भावी सरकार वाशिंगटन के सबसे महत्वपूर्ण क्षेत्रीय सहयोगी, इज़राइल को धमकी न दे सके।

ट्रम्प का ध्यान उस चीज़ पर भी है जिसे वह सबसे बड़े पुरस्कार के रूप में देखते हैं: इज़राइल और सऊदी अरब के बीच संबंधों को सामान्य बनाने के लिए एक ऐतिहासिक राजनयिक और व्यापार समझौता, जिसके बारे में उनका मानना ​​​​है कि यह ईरान को और कमजोर और अपमानित करेगा।

ट्रम्प का मानना ​​है कि बाकी सब सीरिया की “गड़बड़” है।

कुर्द नेतृत्व वाली सीरियाई डेमोक्रेटिक फोर्सेस विस्थापित सीरियाई कुर्दों को बचा रही है जो अलेप्पो के बाहरी इलाके से भाग रहे हैं

ट्रम्प की बयानबाजी उस बात की याद दिलाती है कि उन्होंने अपने पहले कार्यकाल के दौरान सीरिया के बारे में कैसे बात की थी, जब उन्होंने देश का उपहास किया था – जिसका सहस्राब्दियों पुराना एक असाधारण सांस्कृतिक इतिहास है – “रेत और मौत” की भूमि के रूप में।

2011-14 तक सीरिया में राष्ट्रपति बराक ओबामा के राजदूत रहे और उस प्रशासन के भीतर अधिक अमेरिकी हस्तक्षेप के लिए तर्क देने वाले रॉबर्ट फोर्ड ने कहा, “मुझे लगता है कि डोनाल्ड ट्रम्प वास्तव में अपने पहले प्रशासन के दौरान सीरिया के साथ बहुत कम लेना-देना चाहते थे।” असद द्वारा अपनी आबादी के क्रूर दमन का मुकाबला करने के लिए सीरियाई उदारवादी विपक्षी समूहों के समर्थन के रूप में।

उन्होंने बीबीसी को बताया, “लेकिन उनके सर्कल में अन्य लोग भी हैं जो आतंकवाद से मुकाबले के बारे में अधिक चिंतित हैं।”

अमेरिका के पास वर्तमान में सीरिया में यूफ्रेट्स नदी के पूर्व में और इराक और जॉर्डन की सीमा से लगे 55 किमी (34 मील) “विसंघर्ष” क्षेत्र में लगभग 900 सैनिक हैं।

उनका आधिकारिक मिशन आईएस समूह का मुकाबला करना है, जो अब रेगिस्तानी शिविरों में बहुत कमजोर हो गया है, और सीरियाई डेमोक्रेटिक फोर्सेज (एसडीएफ – अमेरिका के कुर्द और अरब सहयोगी जो क्षेत्र को नियंत्रित करते हैं) को प्रशिक्षित और सुसज्जित करना है।

एसडीएफ आईएस लड़ाकों और उनके परिवारों वाले शिविरों की भी सुरक्षा करता है।

व्यवहार में, ज़मीन पर अमेरिकी उपस्थिति इससे भी आगे बढ़ गई है, जिससे ईरान के लिए संभावित हथियार पारगमन मार्ग को अवरुद्ध करने में मदद मिली है, जो सीरिया का उपयोग अपने सहयोगी हिजबुल्लाह को आपूर्ति करने के लिए करता था।

अन्य विश्लेषकों की तरह, श्री फोर्ड का मानना ​​है कि हालाँकि ट्रम्प की अलगाववादी प्रवृत्ति सोशल मीडिया पर अच्छी तरह से चलती है, लेकिन ज़मीनी हकीकत और उनकी अपनी टीम के विचार उनके रुख को नरम कर सकते हैं।

यह विचार अमेरिकी विदेश विभाग में सीरिया के पूर्व सलाहकार वाएल अलज़ायत द्वारा व्यक्त किया गया है।

उन्होंने बीबीसी से कहा, “वह अपने प्रशासन में कुछ गंभीर लोगों को शामिल कर रहे हैं, जो उनकी मध्य पूर्व फ़ाइल चलाएंगे।” ”।

ये तनाव – अलगाववादी आदर्शों और क्षेत्रीय लक्ष्यों के बीच – उनके पहले कार्यकाल के दौरान भी सामने आए, जब ट्रम्प ने कुछ “उदारवादी” विद्रोहियों के लिए शेष सीआईए फंडिंग वापस ले ली, और 2019 में उत्तरी सीरिया से अमेरिकी सेना की वापसी का आदेश दिया।

उस समय, वाल्ट्ज़ ने इस कदम को “एक रणनीतिक गलती” कहा और, आईएस के पुनरुत्थान के डर से, ट्रम्प के अपने अधिकारियों ने आंशिक रूप से उनके फैसले को वापस ले लिया।

असद द्वारा कथित तौर पर रासायनिक हथियार हमले का आदेश देने के बाद, जिसमें 2017 में कई नागरिक मारे गए थे, ट्रम्प ने सीरियाई हवाई क्षेत्र में 59 क्रूज मिसाइलें लॉन्च करके अपने गैर-हस्तक्षेपवादी आदर्शों से भी विचलन किया।

उन्होंने सीरिया के नेतृत्व के खिलाफ प्रतिबंधों को भी दोगुना कर दिया।

ट्रम्प की “यह हमारी लड़ाई नहीं है” प्रतिज्ञा की धुंधली पंक्तियों को वाल्ट्ज द्वारा संक्षेपित किया गया था।

उन्होंने फॉक्स न्यूज को बताया, “इसका मतलब यह नहीं है कि वह बिल्कुल भी हस्तक्षेप करने को तैयार नहीं है।”

“अगर अमेरिकी मातृभूमि को किसी भी तरह से खतरा होता है तो राष्ट्रपति ट्रम्प को निर्णायक कार्रवाई करने में कोई समस्या नहीं है।”

राष्ट्रीय खुफिया के लिए ट्रम्प द्वारा नामित तुलसी गबार्ड की रूस और सीरिया के बारे में पिछले बयानों के लिए आलोचना की गई है

तनाव की संभावना को एक अन्य प्रमुख व्यक्ति तुलसी गबार्ड ने भी बढ़ा दिया है, जिन्हें ट्रम्प ने राष्ट्रीय खुफिया निदेशक के रूप में नामित किया है। विवादास्पद पूर्व डेमोक्रेट से ट्रम्प सहयोगी ने 2017 में “तथ्य-खोज” यात्रा पर असद से मुलाकात की और उस समय ट्रम्प की नीतियों की आलोचना की।

उसका नामांकन असद और रूस के लिए क्षमाप्रार्थी होने के आरोपों के बीच अमेरिकी सीनेटरों द्वारा भारी जांच किए जाने की संभावना है – जिससे उन्होंने इनकार किया है.

सीरिया में जारी मिशन को लेकर चिंता और इसे समाप्त करने में सक्षम होने की इच्छा, केवल ट्रम्प के लिए नहीं है।

जनवरी में, सीरिया और इराक में सक्रिय ईरान समर्थित मिलिशिया द्वारा किए गए ड्रोन हमले में जॉर्डन में अमेरिकी बेस पर तीन अमेरिकी सैनिक मारे गए थे, क्योंकि गाजा में इज़राइल-हमास युद्ध ने इस क्षेत्र में और अधिक फैलने का खतरा पैदा कर दिया था।

इस हमले और अन्य ने अमेरिकी सेना के स्तर और क्षेत्र में उनके प्रदर्शन पर बिडेन प्रशासन पर सवाल उठाना जारी रखा है।

वास्तव में, सीरिया पर निवर्तमान बिडेन और आने वाले ट्रम्प प्रशासन के कई रुख अलग-अलग होने की तुलना में अधिक मेल खाते हैं।

स्वर और बयानबाजी में तीव्र अंतर के बावजूद, दोनों नेता दमिश्क को अमेरिकी हितों के लिए उत्तरदायी सरकार द्वारा चलाना चाहते हैं।

बिडेन और ट्रम्प दोनों सीरिया में ईरान और रूस के अपमान पर काम करना चाहते हैं।

ट्रम्प की “यह हमारी लड़ाई नहीं है, इसे चलने दो” बिडेन प्रशासन के उनके समकक्ष है “यह एक ऐसी प्रक्रिया है जिसका नेतृत्व सीरियाई लोगों द्वारा किया जाना चाहिए, न कि संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका द्वारा”।

लेकिन “प्रमुख” अंतर, और जो बिडेन समर्थकों के बीच सबसे अधिक चिंता पैदा करता है, वह जमीन पर अमेरिकी सेना के प्रति ट्रम्प के दृष्टिकोण और एसडीएफ के लिए अमेरिकी समर्थन में है, वाशिंगटन में पूर्व सीरियाई राजनयिक बासम बाराबंदी ने कहा, जिन्होंने विपक्षी नेताओं को भागने में मदद की। असद शासन.

“बिडेन के प्रति अधिक सहानुभूति, जुड़ाव, जुनून है [the Kurds]. ऐतिहासिक रूप से, वह कुर्द क्षेत्रों का दौरा करने वाले पहले सीनेटरों में से एक थे [of northern Iraq] सद्दाम हुसैन के कुवैत आक्रमण के बाद,” उन्होंने कहा।

“ट्रम्प और उनके लोगों की उन्हें उतनी परवाह नहीं है… वे इस बात को ध्यान में रखते हैं कि अपने सहयोगियों को बाहर न छोड़ें, उन्हें यह मिल गया है, [but] जिस तरह से वे इसे लागू करते हैं वह अलग है।

श्री बाराबंदी, जिन्होंने कहा कि वह ट्रम्प की गैर-हस्तक्षेपवादी बयानबाजी का समर्थन करते हैं, सोचते हैं कि निर्वाचित राष्ट्रपति अमेरिकी सैनिकों को “निश्चित रूप से” हटा देंगे, लेकिन क्रमिक समय सीमा में और एक स्पष्ट योजना के साथ।

उन्होंने कहा, ”24 घंटे के भीतर यह अफगानिस्तान जैसा नहीं होगा।” “वह छह महीने के भीतर, या किसी भी समय, इसके लिए और हर चीज़ की व्यवस्था के लिए एक समय सीमा बताएंगे।”

बहुत कुछ तुर्की के राष्ट्रपति रेसेप तैयप एर्दोगन के साथ ट्रम्प की चर्चाओं के इर्द-गिर्द घूम सकता है, जिनके साथ उनके करीबी रिश्ते माने जाते हैं।

एसडीएफ के लिए अमेरिकी समर्थन लंबे समय से तुर्की के साथ तनाव का एक स्रोत रहा है, जो पीपुल्स डिफेंस यूनिट्स (वाईपीजी) – कुर्द बल जो एसडीएफ की सैन्य रीढ़ बनाता है – को एक आतंकवादी संगठन के रूप में देखता है।

असद के पतन के बाद से, तुर्की कुर्द लड़ाकों को मनबिज शहर सहित रणनीतिक क्षेत्रों से बाहर निकालने के लिए हवाई हमले कर रहा है।

ट्रम्प अंकारा में अपने दोस्त के साथ एक समझौते में कटौती करना चाह सकते हैं जो उन्हें अमेरिकी सैनिकों को वापस लेने की अनुमति देता है और तुर्की के हाथ को और मजबूत होते देख सकता है।

लेकिन तुर्की समर्थित समूहों द्वारा कुछ क्षेत्रों पर नियंत्रण करने की संभावना से कई लोग चिंतित हैं, जिनमें पूर्व अमेरिकी विदेश विभाग के सीरिया विशेषज्ञ वाएल अलज़ायत भी शामिल हैं।

उन्होंने कहा, “आप देश के अलग-अलग हिस्सों को चलाने वाले, अलग-अलग संसाधनों को नियंत्रित करने वाले अलग-अलग समूह नहीं बना सकते।”

“वहाँ या तो राजनीतिक प्रक्रिया है, जो मुझे लगता है कि अमेरिका की भूमिका है, या कुछ और है, और मुझे आशा है कि वे उस बाद के परिदृश्य से बचेंगे।”

Trump says Syria ‘not our fight’. Staying out may not be so easy


grey placeholderGetty Images Trump at the newly restored Notre Dame Cathedral in ParisGetty Images

While Trump visited the newly restored Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, Islamist fighters in Syria toppled Assad’s regime

When Donald Trump sat with world leaders in Paris last weekend to marvel at the restored Notre Dame cathedral, armed Islamist fighters in Syria were in jeeps on the road to Damascus finalising the fall of the Assad regime.

In this split screen moment of global news, the US president-elect, seated between the French first couple, still had an eye on the stunning turn of events in the Middle East.

“Syria is a mess, but is not our friend,” he posted the same day on his Truth Social network.


This post, and another the next day, were a reminder of the president-elect’s powerful mandate to not intervene in foreign policy.

It also raised big questions about what comes next: Given the way the war has drawn in and affected regional and global powers, can Trump really have “nothing to do” with Syria now that President Bashar al-Assad’s government has fallen?

Will Trump pull US troops out?

Does his policy differ drastically from President Biden’s, and if so, what’s the point of the White House doing anything in the five weeks before Trump takes over?

The current administration is involved in a frantic round of diplomacy in response to the fall of Assad and the rise to power of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), a Syrian Islamist armed group that the US designates as a terrorist organisation.

I’m writing this onboard Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s plane, as he shuttles between Jordan and Turkey trying to get key Arab and Muslim countries in the region to back a set of conditions Washington is placing on recognising a future Syrian government.

The US says it must be transparent and inclusive, must not be a “base for terrorism”, cannot threaten Syria’s neighbours, and must destroy any chemical and biological weapons stocks.

For Mike Waltz, Trump’s nominee for national security adviser, who has yet to be confirmed, there is one guiding principle to his foreign policy.

“President Trump was elected with an overwhelming mandate to not get the United States dug into any more Middle Eastern wars,” he told Fox News this week.

He went on to list America’s “core interests” there as the Islamic State (IS) group, Israel and “our Gulf Arab allies”.

Waltz’s comments were a neat summary of the Trump view of Syria as a small jigsaw piece in his bigger regional policy puzzle.

His goals are to ensure that remnants of IS remain contained and to see that a future government in Damascus can’t threaten Washington’s most important regional ally, Israel.

Trump is also focused on what he sees as the biggest prize: a historic diplomatic and trade deal to normalise relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia, which he believes would further weaken and humiliate Iran.

The rest, Trump believes, is Syria’s “mess” to work out.

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Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces escort displaced Syrian Kurds who are fleeing the outskirts of Aleppo

Trump’s rhetoric harkens back to how he talked about Syria during his first term, when he derided the country – which has an extraordinary cultural history dating back millennia – as a land of “sand and death”.

“Donald Trump, himself, I think really wanted very little to do with Syria during his first administration,” said Robert Ford, who served as President Barack Obama’s ambassador to Syria from 2011-14, and who argued within that administration for more American intervention in the form of support for Syrian moderate opposition groups to counter Assad’s brutal suppression of his population.

“But there are other people in his circle who are much more concerned about counterterrorism,” he told the BBC.

The US currently has around 900 troops in Syria east of the Euphrates river and in a 55km (34 miles) “deconfliction” zone bordering Iraq and Jordan.

Their official mission is to counter the IS group, now much degraded in desert camps, and to train and equip the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF – Kurdish and Arab allies of the US who control the territory).

The SDF also guards camps containing IS fighters and their families.

In practice, the US presence on the ground has also gone beyond this, helping to block a potential weapons transit route for Iran, which used Syria to supply its ally Hezbollah.

Mr Ford, like other analysts, believes that while Trump’s isolationist instincts play well on social media, the realities on the ground and the views of his own team could end up moderating his stance.

That view is echoed by Wa’el Alzayat, a former adviser on Syria at the US Department of State.

“He is bringing on board some serious people to his administration who will be running his Middle East file,” he told the BBC, specifically noting that Senator Marco Rubio, who has been nominated for secretary of state, “is a serious foreign policy player”.

These tensions – between isolationist ideals and regional goals – also came to a head during his first term, when Trump withdrew remaining CIA funding for some “moderate” rebels, and ordered the withdrawal of US forces from northern Syria in 2019.

At the time, Waltz called the move “a strategic mistake” and, fearing an IS resurgence, Trump’s own officials partially rowed back his decision.

Trump also diverged from his non-interventionist ideals by launching 59 cruise missiles at a Syrian airfield, after Assad allegedly ordered a chemical weapons attack that killed scores of civilians in 2017.

He also doubled down on sanctions against Syria’s leadership.

The blurred lines of Trump’s “it’s not our fight” pledge were summed up by Waltz.

“That doesn’t mean he’s not willing to absolutely step in,” he told Fox News.

“President Trump has no problem taking decisive action if the American homeland is threatened in any way.”

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Tulsi Gabbard, Trump’s nominee for national intelligence, has been criticised for past statements about Russia and Syria

Adding to the possibility of tension is another key figure, Tulsi Gabbard, who Trump has nominated as director of national intelligence. The controversial former Democrat-turned-Trump ally met Assad in 2017 on a “fact-finding” trip, and at the time criticised Trump’s policies.

Her nomination is likely to be heavily scrutinised by US senators amid accusations – that she has denied – of being an apologist for Assad and Russia.

Anxiety over the continuing mission in Syria, and a desire to be able to end it, is not exclusive to Trump.

In January, three American soldiers were killed at a US base in Jordan in a drone strike by Iran-backed militias operating in Syria and Iraq, as the Israel-Hamas war in Gaza threatened to spread farther in the region.

This attack and others have continued to raise questions to the Biden administration over US force levels and their exposure in the area.

In fact, many of the outgoing Biden and incoming Trump administrations’ positions on Syria match more than they diverge.

Despite the sharp differences in the tone and rhetoric, both leaders want Damascus run by a government amenable to US interests.

Both Biden and Trump want to build on Iran and Russia’s humiliation in Syria.

Trump’s “this is not our fight, let it play out” is his equivalent of the Biden administration’s “this is a process that needs to be led by Syrians, not by the United States”.

But the “major” difference, and that which raises the most anxiety among Biden supporters, is in Trump’s approach to US forces on the ground and American backing for the SDF, said Bassam Barabandi, a former Syrian diplomat in Washington who helped opposition figures flee the Assad regime.

“Biden has more sympathy, connection, passion towards [the Kurds]. Historically, he was one of the first senators to visit the Kurdish areas [of northern Iraq] after Saddam Hussein’s Kuwait invasion,” he said.

“Trump and his people they don’t care as much… they take it into consideration not to leave their allies out, they get this, [but] the way they implement it is different.”

Mr Barabandi, who said he supports Trump’s non-interventionist rhetoric, thinks the president-elect will pull out US troops “for sure”, but over a gradual timeframe and with a clear plan in place.

“It will not be like Afghanistan, within 24 hours,” he said. “He will say within six months, or whatever time, a deadline for that and for the arrangement of everything.”

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Much may revolve around Trump’s discussions with Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, with whom he is thought to have a close relationship.

American backing for the SDF has long been a source of tension with Turkey, which views the People’s Defense Units (YPG) – the Kurdish force that makes up the SDF’s military backbone – as a terrorist organisation.

Since Assad fell, Turkey has been carrying out air strikes to force Kurdish fighters out of strategic areas, including the town of Manbij.

Trump may want to cut a deal with his friend in Ankara that allows him to withdraw US troops and could see Turkey’s hand strengthen further.

But the possibility of Turkish-backed groups taking control of some areas worries many, including Wa’el Alzayat, the former US State Department Syria expert.

“You can’t have different groups running different parts of the country, controlling different resources,” he added.

“There’s either the political process, which I do think the US has a role to play, or something else, and I hope they avoid that latter scenario.”

BlackRock recommends investing no more than 2% of your portfolio in Bitcoin


GettyImages 1237851508 e1734051423366
A new report says investing more than 2% sharply increases risk. Read More

Nearly half of US teens are online almost constantly, Pew study finds


Nearly half of teens in the U.S. are online almost constantly, and the platform they’re using the most is YouTube, a new study from the Pew Research Center has found. The Center reports that 46% of teens say they’re online “almost constantly,” and 90% of teens it surveyed said they use the Google-owned video platform, while 73% of them said they use the platform daily. 

TikTok, Instagram, and Snapchat round out the list of the top platforms for teens, as 60% of teens reported that they use TikTok and Instagram, while 55% said the same for Snapchat. 

While it’s no secret that teens aren’t using Facebook as much as they used to, the study shows just how much has changed over the past decade. It found that teens’ use of Facebook has steeply declined over the past decade, from 71% to only 32% today.

Facebook isn’t the only major platform to see a decline in users, as teens’ use of X (formerly Twitter) has also dropped. The study found that 17% of teens today say they use X, which is almost half of the 33% reported a decade ago, and down from the 23% reported in 2022.

Best Holiday Beauty Gifts | Us Weekly


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Is it just Us or is the time moving like it has somewhere to be? It feels like we were just snagging Black Friday sales and now we’re on our way to the third week of December. That means the countdown for holiday gifting will be up before we know it. If you’re wondering what gifts to snag your family and friends, don’t worry. We’re here to help.

Gifts for Pets

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Pets are extended members of our families. We nurture and care for them — they have larger-than-life personalities and deliver the sweetest cuddles. We spend so much time bonding with and learning from them. Since pets bring Us so much joy, it’s only right that they wake up to the best gifts during the holiday […]

We’ve compiled gift guides for everyone on your gift list. From sentimental gifts for your grandparents to fun gifts your dad would pick over another pair of socks, there’s no stone left unturned. We even curated a thorough list of gifts for the beauty lovers in your life. This helpful list includes everything from high-end fragrances to makeup products for beauty newbies. Check out our top picks ahead!

SolaWave Wrinkle Retract Face Mask Kit

You save: 6%


Best for Mature Skin

Reese Witherspoon, Sydney Sweeney, Megan Fox and Alix Earle are all fans of Solawave. The brand’s FDA-cleared, medical-grade Wrinkle Retract Face Mask Kit helps reduce the appearance of uneven skin texture, deyhydration and fine lines. It uses red and enar-infrared light to visibly renew the skin!



Best for Beauty Enthusiasts Who Take Pride in Their Hair:

Is your loved one notorious for their extensive haircare routine? Help keep their glorious mane in shape, courtesy of this anti-hair thinning supplement!

Ulike Laser

You save: 43%


Best for Adventurous Beauty Buffs

Is your loved one notorious for trying out new and innovative beauty tools? They won’t be able to thank you enough for this at-home laser hair removal kit!

Elemis The Glow Edit


Best for Beauty Lovers Who Love Traveling:

Is your loved one notorious for jetsetting from place to place throughout the year? This radiance-boosting kit ensures that they maintain their flawless glow when they’re on the go!



Best for Glow-Getters:

Is your loved one one a quest for a radiant glow? This pore-minimizing, blemish-zapping treatment features a host of skin-loving benefits that clear out pores and evens the complexion!

Velour Beauty


Best for Lash Girlies:

If you ask Us, applying falsies is one of our favorite steps in our makeup routine. This set features a magnetic adhesive to simplify the process!

Billie EIlish Fragrances
Ulta Beauty


Best for Fragrance Newbies:

There’s nothing like locking down a signature scent. This gift set features two unique fragrances to help your loved one narrow their search!


Provence Beauty
Ulta Beauty


Best for Skincare Girlies Who Live for French Products:

Does your loved one know their way around French pharmacy brands? They’ll be stoked to snag this bestselling brightening trio!

Kulfi Beauty
Kulfi Beauty

You save: 21%


Best for Makeup Minimalists:

Does your loved one prefer minimalist makeup? This gift set features key products to achieve an effortless look!

Kilian Paris


Not only is this delightful gourmand fragrance sure to earn you endless compliments, but it comes in a sleek black bottle that can be refilled. Even better? According to reports, Rihanna has been a longtime Kilian Paris fragrance fan for years!

Lilly Lashes


Best for Newbies:

These self-adhesive lashes are perfect for the beauty newbie on your shopping list. They deliver instant volume without the hassle of toying with glues that often lead to irritation!

Keys Soul Care Primer
Keys Soul Care


Best for Beauty Mavens Who Love Skincare:

Are you ready to unleash a brilliant this holiday season? Don’t hesitate to check out this nourishing priming serum. It combines skin-loving benefits like nourishing niacinamide and squalane to deliver a plump, bright glow!



Best for Beauty Lovers Who Love Experimenting:

Dermaplaning is a hit with many skincare buffs. Billie’s Dermaplane Starter Kit features a dermaplane handle and three refill blades to safely remove peach fuzz, gently exfoliate and deliver a bright, more even complexion. Best of all? Shoppers can use it to shape their eyebrows in between salon appointments!

Makeup Eraser

You save: 30%


Best for Beauty Enthusiasts Who Wear Makeup Daily:

I love painting on layers of makeup just as much as the next beauty lover. Washing it all off has to be one of my least favorite parts of my day. Treat your loved one to the gift of ease, courtesy of the Original MakeUp Eraser. All they have to do is add water and it gently wipes it all away!


You save: 29%


Best for Beauty Enthusiasts Who Experience Frizz:

Do you know a fashionista who’s on a journey to get rid of frizz? Make her wish come true this holiday season with Briogeo’s Super Frizz Fighters set. This two-pack value set features silicone-free leave-in conditioning spray and blow-dry cream to zap frizz!

Signature Gel-X® Kit Plus Collection + Alpha
Apres Nail


Best for Nail Enthusiasts

Does your loved one obsess over styling their nails? This kit comes with everything they need to create a full gel manicure with Gel-X extensions.

Hair Tie


Best for Beauty Lovers Who Can’t Keep Up with Hair Ties:

Do you have a friend or family member who’s always asking for scrunchies or hair ties when you’re on the go? Make sure they keep their hair in tip-top shape this holiday season, courtesy of these 12-pack soft and gentle headbands. These are a favorite of Commerce Writer, Savannah Born, who raved, “I have thick hair and these hair ties can hold my hair while I run, jump and swim! I adore the neutral colors.”

NuFace Mini+


Best for Beauty Enthusiasts Who Love Trying Out New Devices:

If you’re on the gifting hunt for a skincare savant, chances are they are probably obsessing over the NuFACE Mini+ Microcurrent Facial Device. The FDA-cleared tool delivers low-level electrical currents to sculpt and tighten.


You save: -13%


Best for Beauty Enthusiasts Who Have a Strict Cleansing Routine:

Drying your face with the same towel you use on your body can lead to irritation and breakouts. The  Clean Skin Club Clean Towels are made with advanced cellulose fiber technology to dry the skin while supporting skin barrier function. “I bought these for my husband for his birthday, but I may or may not have immediately decided to grab a box for myself too,” says Shop with Us Commerce Editor, Suzy Forman!

Danessa Myricks Beauty Yummy Skin Blurring Balm Powder


Best for Beauty Enthusiasts Who Love a Flawless Base: 

Any beauty maven knows that a flawless base sets the stage for a smooth, filter-looking finish. Danessa Myricks’ viral Yummy Skin Blurring Balm Powder blew up  on TikTok for its texture-reducing and blurring results. It also absorbs sweat!

The Rootist


Best for Beauty Enthusiasts with Thinning Strands:

Get ready to help your loved one strengthen their strands. The Rootist’s brand-new Densify Concentrated Shampoo instantly thickens strands while promoting fuller-looking hair over time.

Dyson Supersonic


Best for Beauty Enthusiasts Who Want to Shorten Their Wash Day: 

The beauty buff in your life won’t thank you enough after they unwrap the Dyson Supersonic Hair Dryer. Not only is it sleek and ultra-lightweight, but it dries the hair so quickly!

Makeup Brush Set
Anisa Beauty


Best for Beauty Enthusiasts Who Travel Often:

Make sure the beauty lover in your life keeps their makeup brushes in tip-top shape even when they’re on the go, courtesy of this Syndey Sweeney-approved Everyday Makeup Brush Collection!

Hand Sanitizer


Best for Beauty Enthusiasts on the Go:

Germs won’t stand a chance against Touchland’s brand-new peppermint mocha-scented Power Mist Hand Sanitizer. Not only does this holiday season-themed sanitizing mist keep hands germ-free, but it also moisturizes. Best of all? You can snag it for just $10!


Best for Beauty Enthusiasts Who Experience Redness and Inflammation: 

Make sure the beauty buff in your life is prepared for unexpected breakouts courtesy of this soothing, redness-reducing toning spray. It’s enriched with hypochlorous acid to support the skin barrier and minimize irritation. Shop with Us writer Olivia Hanson is a huge fan of the spray. “I used to think that nothing would be able to help cure my redness until I tried the Tower 28 SOS Daily Rescue Facial Spray!”

YSL Flowers and Flames


Best for Beauty Enthusiasts Who Live for Floral Fragrances: 

As a beauty writer with a knack for floral fragrances, Yves Saint Laurent Libre Flowers and Flames Eau de Parfum is one of my favorite releases to hit the beauty scene this year. It’s long-lasting and I get compliments every time I wear it!

Lip Liner
Ulta Beauty

Best for Beauty Enthusiasts Who Love a Lippie That Won’t Budge: 

Fenty Beauty’s brand-new Trace’d Out Pencil Lip Liner is a hit with shoppers online and on social media. The creamy, long-lasting liner comes in 10 different shades. So many shoppers have shared before and after clips of the smudge-proof liner holding up well after eating and drinking!

Laneige Lip Sleeping Mask


Best for Beauty Enthusiasts Who Can’t Get Enough of Lip Masks:

You can’t go wrong with delivering the gift of smooth, supple lips. Laneige’s Lip Sleeping Mask is a hit with shoppers online, and with the Shop with Us team, too. Olivia says she uses this Sydney Sweeney-approved lippie “for one simple reason: it works!”

Human Race


Best for Beauty Enthusiasts With Dry Skin:

Grammy winner Pharrell Williams has a hit on his hands and has nothing to do with music. Humanrace’s Humidifying Cream is enriched with hyaluronic acid and squalane to re-create the replenishing effect that humidity has on the skin!

Ouai Hand Soap and Lotion Set


Best for Beauty Enthusiasts Who Love to Incorporate Bits and Pieces of Luxury:

Sometimes all it takes is a subtle nod to add a luxurious touch to one’s home. Ouai’s Exfoliating Hand Soap Duo does just that. It’s enriched with gentle ingredients like castor oil, avocado and rosehip to soothe and hydrate while eliminating germs!

T3 Multi Styler

Best for Beauty Enthusiasts Who Frequently Change Their Hair:

We all know someone who constantly changes their hair. T3’s Aire 360 Multi-Styler and Blow-Out System comes with four attachments to deliver long-lasting curls and blow-outs. Plus, it comes with a stylish bag to store the styler and its attachments together!

Shape Tape Concealer
Tarte Cosmetics


Best for Beauty Enthusiasts Who Can’t Get Enough of Bright Under-Eyes:

There’s no denying it. Tarte’s Shape Tape Full-Coverage Concealer is a tried-and-true beauty staple. Not only does it deliver long-lasting coverage, but it comes in nearly 40 different shades!

Haus Labs Blush


Best for Beauty Enthusiasts Who Live for Blush Flush:

Haus Labs combined skincare and makeup with its serum-based Color Fuse Longwear Hydrating Glassy Lip and Cheek Blush Balm Stick. Not only does it deliver a long-wear finish that Shop with Us Commerce Writer Jasmine Washington loves, but it also hydrates and uses fermented arnica to visibly reduce redness and irritation. She even uses the glassy pitaya and glassy tangelo shade to perfect the sunset blush trend!

Nail Strips


Best for Beauty Enthusiasts Who Experience Last-Minute Nail Woes: 

Suzy says she recommends “these gel nail strips to everyone” she knows. According to the Shop with Us editor, they came in handy after she “got a horrific manicure” before she had to travel for her wedding. “I rush-ordered a pack of these to my maid of honor’s apartment and applied them myself the day before the wedding. They looked unbelievably gorgeous!”

Primera Oil to foam Cleanser


Best for Beauty Enthusiasts Who Are Serious About Makeup Removal:

Primera’s Oil-to-Foam Cleanser simplifies the makeup removal process. The dual-action solution starts off as an oil, but turns into a bubbly foam when it comes in contact with water. The foamy cleanser thoroughly melts away makeup while cleansing pores to eliminate blackheads and other pollutants!



Best for Beauty Enthusiasts Who Are Embarking on a Hair Journey:

Treat your loved one to the ultimate haircare upgrade with K18’s Mini Damage Repair Essentials Hair Set. The mini-three-step collection thoroughly cleanses, strengthens and smooths hair, no matter the texture!



Best for Beauty Enthusiasts Who Love Collectibles:

The beauty maven in your life will proudly place this collectible Listerine Total Care Mouthwash on full display because it looks like a piece of art. Not to mention it freshens breath and strengthens enamel!

Lip Trio


Best for Beauty Enthusiasts Who Prefer an All-In-One Lip Moment:

Pat McGrath Labs’ Major Mini Lip Trio features everything your loved one will need to create the ultimate lip moment. The pint-sized lipstick, gloss and liner set comes in a sweet Divine Rose shade that delivers a romantic nude pink finish!

Curie Deodorant Trio

Best for Beauty Enthusiasts Who Love Clean Deodorant:

Some beauty lovers can’t get enough of clean deodorants. If this sounds like one of your loved ones, make sure to check out Curie’s Whole Body Deodorant Spray Trio. The vegan and aluminum-free deodorant comes in delightful scents including orange neroli, coconut nectar and white tea!

Sunday Riley Good Genes All-in-One Lactic Acid Treatment Face Serum

You save: 19%


Best for For Those Looking for Quick Results

This nourishing serum has gone viral on TikTok so many times. Some shoppers claim to have noticed smoother and radiant skin in as little as three minutes! Shop with Us Commerce Writer Olivia Hanson says she noticed “tighter skin” since using the treatment.

Danessa Myricks Beauty LIGHTWORK VI The Freedom Palette


Best for Makeup Pros

This eyeshadow palette costs a pretty penny, but your beauty-obsessed family member won’t stop thanking you after they unwrap it this year. It features illuminating shadows that sparkle and shift in the light!

Luxe Solutions by ion Luxe Cordless Curling Wand
Sally Beauty


Best for Beauty Lovers on the Go

Make sure your loved one keeps their hair in tip-top shape when they’re jet setting, courtesy of this travel-approved wireless curling wand!

Josie Maran Whipped Argan Oil Body Butter
Josie Maran


Best for Shoppers Obsessed with Silky Smooth Skin

If your family member is locked in on social media trends, then they’re probably all too familiar with this nourishing body butter. Not only does is hydrate and firm, but this full-body moisturizer delivers a California glow!

Emi Jay Popstar Clips
Emi Jay


Best for Astrology Lovers

Does your friend or family member obsess over the stars? Maybe they can tell you everything about your star, sun and moon, they’ll swoon over these celestial-inspired hair clips!

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