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OnlyFans’ Lily Phillips Cries After Sleeping With 100 Men in 1 Day


OnlyFans Influencer Lily Phillips Breaks Down After Sleeping With 100 Men in 1 Day 399
Courtesy of Lily Phillips/Instagram

OnlyFans influencer Lily Phillips got emotional after she completed her challenge to sleep with 100 men in a day.

“It’s not for the weak. If I’m honest, it was hard,” Phillips, 23, said in a YouTube documentary by Josh Pieters published on Saturday, December 7. “I don’t know if I’d recommend it.”

Phillips explained that the experience didn’t feel as if she was just having casual sex with another person. As she opened up about her experience, Phillips began to get emotional.

“Just one in and one out, it feels intense,” she reflected.

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Lily Allen has launched an OnlyFans account after receiving rave reviews about her feet. Allen, 39, who is offering subscriptions on the platform for about $10, has already uploaded six photos under the username Lily Allen FTSE500. The account has received over 200 “likes” since its launch in June, according to Daily Mail. “Sole trader,” […]

Phillips confessed the challenge was a lot more extreme than she initially expected and she started to break down. As Phillips’ eyes got watery, she stepped away from the camera to let out her tears and regain her composure. When she returned, she admitted to feeling guilty that not every experience was the same.

“I’d have to stop them early and you’d have to stand on business [and say,] ‘I’m so sorry you got to go’ and the awkward interaction of you feeling pressure to [satisfy them] … Of if you hadn’t spent enough time with them feeling like you didn’t give them a good time because they only got two minutes.”

Phillips shared that she also got guilt-tripped by some of the men who told her they traveled a great deal of distance for the experience. The content creator added that by the 30th man, she started to feel “robotic.”

OnlyFans Influencer Lily Phillips Breaks Down After Sleeping With 100 Men in 1 Day 398
Courtesy of Lily Phillips/Instagram

“I’ve got a routine of how we’re going to do this and sometimes you’d disassociate,” she reflected. “It’s not like normal sex at all. It makes me feel so bad.”

Despite sleeping with 100 men, Phillips confessed that she only remembers about “10 guys.” While Phillips was emotional after achieving her goal, she admitted that she wasn’t sore “downstairs” and the only thing she felt was “tired.”

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Knowing their worth. As OnlyFans made a name for itself as an online subscription service for content creators, many stars took advantage of their large audience by joining the website. OnlyFans allows people to put out any sort of content, including nude photos, at a price they think their followers will pay to view them. […]

Phillps’ OnlyFans career began while she was studying at university. She figured since she was “sleeping around” while in school, she could turn into an income. While Phillips did not have the intention to make OnlyFans her career at first, she realized she could make a lot of money if she did it full-time. She has a staff of “nine” production assistants to help her in filming content.

Last month, Phillips announced that she was challenging herself to sleep with 100 men and was searching for volunteers. Men could apply via email and she received applications from all over the world from Belgium to Barbados.

“SIGN UP NOW TO BREAK A WORLD RECORD WITH ME!!!” she wrote via X in November alongside details about how to apply.

Syria Rebel Leader Vows To Shut Down Notorious Assad Prisons


रविवार को सैयदनाया जेल, जो ऊपर चित्रित है, से हजारों कैदियों को रिहा कर दिया गया

सीरियाई विद्रोही बलों ने कहा है कि वे अपदस्थ राष्ट्रपति बशर अल-असद द्वारा संचालित कुख्यात कठोर जेलों को बंद करने और बंदियों की हत्या या यातना में शामिल लोगों की तलाश करने की योजना बना रहे हैं।

रॉयटर्स समाचार एजेंसी द्वारा देखे गए एक बयान में, विद्रोही नेता अहमद अल-शरा, जिसे अबू मोहम्मद अल-जोलानी के नाम से भी जाना जाता है, ने भी कहा कि वह पूर्व शासन के सुरक्षा बलों को भंग कर देगा।

जोलानी के इस्लामी आतंकवादी समूह, हयात तहरीर अल-शाम (एचटीएस) ने अन्य सीरियाई विद्रोही गुटों का नेतृत्व करते हुए जबरदस्त हमला किया, जिसने असद राजवंश के 54 साल के शासन को उखाड़ फेंका।

विद्रोहियों द्वारा राजधानी दमिश्क पर कब्ज़ा करने के बाद, असद रविवार तड़के रूस भाग गए, जहाँ उन्हें और उनके परिवार को शरण दी गई है।

एक अलग बयान में, जोलानी ने कहा कि कैदियों की यातना या हत्या में भाग लेने वालों के लिए क्षमा का सवाल ही नहीं उठता।

उन्होंने कहा, “हम सीरिया में उनका पीछा करेंगे और हम देशों से उन लोगों को सौंपने के लिए कहेंगे जो भाग गए हैं ताकि हम न्याय हासिल कर सकें।”

राष्ट्रपति बशर अल-असद के पतन के बाद से सीरियाई लोग अपने प्रियजनों की तलाश में शासन की कुख्यात जेलों में पहुंच गए हैं। 2022 की एक रिपोर्ट में, तुर्की स्थित एसोसिएशन ऑफ डिटेनीज़ एंड द मिसिंग इन सैदनया जेल (एडीएमएसपी) ने कहा सैयदनाया “प्रभावी रूप से एक मृत्यु शिविर बन गया” 2011 में गृह युद्ध शुरू होने के बाद.

जोलानी ने यह भी कहा कि वह पूर्व असद शासन के सुरक्षा बलों को भंग कर देंगे। यह स्पष्ट नहीं है कि देश के सैन्य बुनियादी ढांचे पर इजरायली हमलों के बारे में चिंताओं के बीच विद्रोही लड़ाकों द्वारा उन्हें कितनी जल्दी पुनर्गठित किया जा सकता है।

विद्रोही समूहों द्वारा आज़ाद कराए जाने के बाद सीरियाई लोग रिश्तेदारों की तलाश में सैयदनाया जेल पहुंचे

रॉयटर्स द्वारा देखे गए बयान में, जोलानी ने कहा कि उनका समूह संभावित रासायनिक हथियार स्थलों को सुरक्षित करने के लिए अंतरराष्ट्रीय संगठनों के साथ काम कर रहा था।

रॉयटर्स की रिपोर्ट के बारे में पूछे जाने पर, पेंटागन की उप प्रेस सचिव सबरीना सिंह ने कहा कि अमेरिका ने जोलानी के शब्दों का “स्वागत” किया है, लेकिन कहा कि उन पर कार्रवाई करने की जरूरत है।

उन्होंने कहा, “हमारा ध्यान इस बात पर है कि ये रासायनिक हथियार गलत हाथों में न पड़ें।”

इसके बाद आता है इजराइल ने पूरे सीरिया में सैकड़ों हमले किए और कई सैन्य संपत्तियां जब्त कर लीं।

स्थानीय मीडिया रिपोर्टों के अनुसार, हमलों में से एक में रासायनिक हथियार उत्पादन से जुड़े संदिग्ध अनुसंधान केंद्र को निशाना बनाया गया।

इज़राइल का कहना है कि वह हथियारों को “चरमपंथियों के हाथों में” जाने से रोकने के लिए कार्रवाई कर रहा है।

संयुक्त राष्ट्र के रासायनिक निगरानी संगठन, रासायनिक हथियार निषेध संगठन (ओपीसीडब्ल्यू) द्वारा एक रासायनिक हथियार का वर्णन एक ऐसे रसायन के रूप में किया जाता है जिसका उपयोग अपने विषाक्त गुणों के माध्यम से जानबूझकर मौत या नुकसान पहुंचाने के लिए किया जाता है।

अंतर्राष्ट्रीय मानवीय कानून के तहत उनका उपयोग निषिद्ध है।

2013 से 2018 के बीच, ह्यूमन राइट्स वॉच ने सीरिया में कम से कम 85 रासायनिक हथियारों के हमलों का दस्तावेजीकरण किया, जिसमें अपदस्थ सरकार पर उनमें से अधिकांश के लिए जिम्मेदार होने का आरोप लगाया गया।

असद की सरकार ने कभी भी रासायनिक हथियारों का इस्तेमाल करने से इनकार किया है।

दमिश्क के उपनगरीय इलाके में रासायनिक हथियारों के हमले में 1,400 से अधिक लोगों की मौत के एक महीने बाद सीरिया ने 2013 में ओपीसीडब्ल्यू के रासायनिक हथियार प्रमाणपत्र पर हस्ताक्षर किए थे।

यह ज्ञात नहीं है कि सीरिया के पास कितने रासायनिक हथियार हैं, लेकिन ऐसा माना जाता है कि असद ने भंडार रखा था और उसने जो घोषणा की थी वह अधूरी थी।

सीरिया में रासायनिक हमलों के शिकार हुए हैं हाल ही में बीबीसी से बात की उनके द्वारा अनुभव किये गये विनाशकारी प्रभावों के बारे में।

इस बीच, सीरिया और यूक्रेन पर महत्वपूर्ण बातचीत करने के लिए यूरोपीय विदेश मंत्री गुरुवार को बर्लिन में बैठक कर रहे हैं।

व्हाइट हाउस ने कहा कि एक दिन बाद जी7 देशों के नेता एक आभासी बैठक में सीरिया के नवीनतम घटनाक्रम पर भी चर्चा करेंगे।

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Syria rebel leader vows to shut down notorious Assad prisons


grey placeholderReuters View of a prison through barbed wire, with two people walking and walls painted with 'Free Syria' and the flag coloursReuters

Thousands of prisoners were released from Saydnaya prison, pictured above, on Sunday

Syrian rebel forces have said they plan to close the notoriously harsh prisons run by ousted president Bashar al-Assad and hunt those involved in the killing or torture of detainees.

Rebel leader Ahmed al-Sharaa, also known as Abu Mohammed al-Jolani, also said he would dissolve the security forces of the former regime, in a statement seen by the Reuters news agency.

Videos showing thousands of prisoners being freed from Saydnaya prison – referred to as a “human slaughterhouse” by rights groups – surfaced after the collapse of the Assad government on Sunday.

Almost 60,000 people were tortured and killed in the prisons run by Assad, UK-based monitoring group Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.

Jolani’s Islamist militant group, Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), led other Syrian rebel factions in a lightning offensive that toppled the Assad dynasty’s 54-year-rule.

Assad fled to Russia in the early hours of Sunday, where he and his family have been given asylum, after rebels captured the capital Damascus.

In a separate statement, Jolani said pardons for those who took part in the torture or killing of prisoners were out of the question.

“We will pursue them in Syria, and we ask countries to hand over those who fled so we can achieve justice,” he said.

Since the fall of President Bashar al-Assad Syrians have rushed to the regime’s infamous prisons, desperately searching for their loved ones. In a 2022 report, the Turkey-based Association of Detainees and The Missing in Saydnaya Prison (ADMSP) said Saydnaya “effectively became a death camp” after the start of the civil war in 2011.

Jolani also said he would dissolve the former Assad regime’s security forces. It is not clear how quickly they could be reconstituted by rebel fighters amid concerns about Israeli strikes on the country’s military infrastructure.

Syrians rushed to Saydnaya prison in search of relatives after it was liberated by rebel groups

In the statement seen by Reuters, Jolani said his group was working with international organisations to secure possible chemical weapons sites.

When asked about the Reuters report, Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary Sabrina Singh said the US “welcomed” Jolani’s words but said they needed to be met with actions.

“Our focus is that these chemical weapons do not fall into the wrong hands”, she added.

This comes after Israel carried out hundreds of strikes across Syria and seized a number of military assets.

One of the attacks targeted a research centre with suspected links to chemical weapon production, according to local media reports.

Israel says it is acting to stop weapons falling “into the hands of extremists”.

A chemical weapon is described by the UN’s chemical watchdog, the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), as a chemical used to cause intentional death or harm through its toxic properties.

Their use is prohibited under international humanitarian law.

Between 2013 to 2018, Human Rights Watch documented at least 85 chemical weapons attacks in Syria, accusing the ousted government of being responsible for most of them.

Assad’s government denied ever using chemical weapons.

Syria signed the OPCW’s Chemical Weapons Certificate in 2013, a month after a chemical weapons attack on suburbs of Damascus left more than 1,400 people dead.

It is not known how many chemical weapons Syria has, but it’s believed Assad kept stockpiles and that the declaration he had made was incomplete.

Victims of chemical attacks in Syria have recently spoken to the BBC about the devastating impacts they’ve experienced.

Meanwhile, European foreign ministers are meeting in Berlin on Thursday to hold critical talks on Syria and Ukraine.

A day later, leaders of the G7 countries will also discuss the latest developments in Syria at a virtual meeting, the White House said.

Millennials and Gen Z have given up on finding fulfillment at work as survey finds they’re the least likely to care about enjoying their job


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A survey of 35,000 workers found more one in four 24-to-34-year-olds cared about their day-to-day happiness, compared with more than half of baby boomers. Read More

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